Stulz, the global air conditioning solutions pioneer, is moving its UK HQ to Barwell Business Park from October.

With a product range including traditional room cooling, high-density cooling, chillers, container modules and air handling units, Stulz is relocating its operations from Epsom to unit 64 at Barwell when refurb and refit work is completed next month.

Stulz Managing Director, Brendan Leonard, said: “We’re an ever-growing business and Barwell offers a larger and more professional building than we’ve currently got, as well as scope for expansion. We’re a manufacturing business, with products made primarily in Germany but in the UK we have three divisions; sales, projects and services. Sales and services, particularly, are the growing sectors and all will be based at Barwell.”

Colin Lawrence-Waterhouse, Asset Manager, Aviva Investors, added: “We’re very pleased Stulz has chosen Barwell Business Park as its UK headquarters. With its technical expertise, both in its solutions and data centres, Stulz will help to further promote the park’s reputation as a hub for sophisticated technology companies.”

Large vinyl banners – due to go up in the coming weeks – will publicise Stulz’s arrival to the Chessington community and those passing through along Leatherhead Road.