Kingston Council has launched a Community Hub trial, where residents can drop in for advice from the Housing Landlord Services team on housing matters, at Chessington’s Hook Centre.
The Hook Centre in Hook Road will provide a surgery style service for tenants and leaseholders, as well as general housing advice. While immediately serving residents from the surrounding areas of Hook, Chessington and Malden Rushett, the service is also open to all Kingston residents.
These sessions run from 10am-12pm every Tuesday and will be on a first-come, first-served basis. This will be regularly monitored and flexible depending on demand.
Councillor Emily Davey, Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: “This is a very exciting new offer from the council. By providing this trial service out into the Hook Centre, we hope that this shows we are determined to bring our services out into the communities and closer to our residents.
“We want to be in easy reach for our residents and we are confident this pilot will help to do just that.
“And by cutting time spent travelling for officers and residents, it means more time for residents and less pollution, making Kingston a cleaner, greener place to live and work.”
Residents should also be aware that they can still pre-book an appointment to see a housing officer at the council’s Guildhall site – you can do this by e-mailing or by calling the Contact Centre on 0208 547 5000.